vote out

美 [voʊt aʊt]英 [vəʊt aʊt]
  • 投票免去…的职务
vote outvote out

vote out


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 投票免去…的职务
    If people vote out a particular person or political party, they give that person or party so few votes in an official election that they no longer hold a position of power.

    And if the President doesn't make things better, other voters say, we'll vote him out, too...



thwart the passage of
kill a motion
he shot down the student's proposal
Synonym: kill shoot down defeat vote down


  1. And of course we all know we can vote out our councillors .


  2. Vote out the guy running for re-election if you want the American middle class to come back .


  3. It proposes that independent shareholders vote out both board factions at the upcoming annual meeting .


  4. Until we shake them off our back ( and vote out BIG OIL backers in Congress ) progress will be slow and directly impact our overall competitiveness in the global market place .


  5. First , Congress needs immediately to grant public shareholders the right to call shareholders ' meetings , to vote out the current board and to pass binding ( not simply advisory ) votes on executive compensation .


  6. It 's not just about getting the vote out , though , he says . One of the surprising things when I started the business was how many customers I had who were Republicans wearing my clothes to the inauguration .


  7. Second , it stops target companies from putting up the kinds of artificial barriers to block unwelcome takeovers that are common in the US , from the poison pill defence to stopping shareholders being able immediately to vote out boards that stand in the way of bids .


  8. They cannot join forces to vote her out of office


  9. They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office


  10. And if the President doesn 't make things better , other voters say , we 'll vote him out , too


  11. At the end of the night we 're going to vote someone out of show business .


  12. If they do not meet your wishes , vote them out .


  13. Vote it out in the next election .


  14. Win or lose , both tribes will vote somebody out .


  15. They 're all owned by the rich , so what difference does it make if you " vote them out "?


  16. If you don 't like the way the Council are going about things , you can always vote them out of office .


  17. More ominously , the exhausted Greeks may soon vote themselves out of the euro zone .


  18. It would be natural to vote them out of office-but there are not elections in our country .


  19. You can 't vote them out of office because they 're all the same and they 're all supported and placed in power there by the same corporations .


  20. Running under a slogan that said " It 's OK to Vote Humans Out ! " and on a platform of animal rights , Hank the cat was an instant hit .


  21. I vote we go out to eat .


  22. It 's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out .


  23. Main street America did not vote to throw out the capitalist baby with the bankers ' bathwater .


  24. They have won the popular vote in six out of the past seven elections , but only won the White House four times .


  25. In the light of events , these opinions must be considered as ill informed as those of the poll takers who predicted that the American people would vote President Truman Out of office .


  26. I vote that we go out to eat .


  27. Financial analysts say that a " No " vote could force Greece out of the Eurozone and possibly even out of the European Union .


  28. In the old days , they would burn ballots , largely because they wanted to maintain the secrecy of the conclave , that is they didn 't want the vote totals to get out .
